Learn the differences between Step-Up & Step-Down Transformer

Step-Up Transformer:

A step-up transformer is designed to increase the voltage of the incoming electrical supply.

Voltage Increase:

Step-Up Transformer:

1. Power transmission from power plants to substations. 2.Minimize energy losses 3.Reduce the current


Example : 

Power Transformer

Step-Down Transformer:

Voltage Decrease:

A step-down transformer is designed to decrease the voltage of the incoming electrical supply.


Step-Down Transformer:

1.Widely used in the distribution of electricity to homes, businesses, and industries. 2.Found in substations and on utility poles.


1.Distribution Transform 2.Auto-Transformerer 3.Laptops and smartphones, have built-in step-down transformers.

Step-Up and Step Down Power Transformer distinct voltage transformation properties make them essential components of electrical systems.

To Learn more about this types of information regarding transformer please follow Electrical Transformer Manufacturers in Kolkata , Makpower Transformer